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SMS and Email 2FA

SMS and email can be used to deliver one time codes to users. Ory will deliver a 6-digit code to an SMS / email gateway of your choice, such as Twilio, Amazon SNS, SMTP, or your own application. These codes are valid for a short amount of time, usually 15 minutes or less. Once the user completes the challenge, by entering the code, the AAL of the session is upgraded to AAL2.

If MFA via code to sms / email is enabled, this method can not be used for passwordless login.

Recovery Codes generation in Ory Account Experience


To enable MFA via SMS, you need to configure an SMS channel in the Ory configuration:

  1. Get the Ory Identities configuration from your project and save it to a file:

    ## List all available workspaces
    ory list workspaces

    ## List all available projects
    ory list projects --workspace <workspace-id>

    ## Get config
    ory get identity-config --project <project-id> --workspace <workspace-id> --format yaml > identity-config.yaml
  2. Find code in selfservice.methods and set mfa_enabled to true:

    mfa_enabled: true
  3. Update the Ory Identities configuration using the file you worked with:

    ory update identity-config --project <project-id> --workspace <workspace-id> --file identity-config.yaml
  1. Ensure your Identity Schema correctly marks one of the traits as the identifier for code method.

    "$id": "",
    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Person",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "traits": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "email": {
    "type": "string",
    "format": "email",
    "title": "E-Mail",
    "": {
    "credentials": {
    "password": {
    "identifier": true
    "webauthn": {
    "identifier": true
    "totp": {
    "account_name": true
    "code": {
    "identifier": true,
    "via": "email"
    "recovery": {
    "via": "email"
    "verification": {
    "via": "email"
    "maxLength": 320
    "phone": {
    "type": "string",
    "format": "tel",
    "title": "Phone Number",
    "": {
    "credentials": {
    "code": {
    "identifier": true,
    "via": "sms"
    "maxLength": 320
    "required": ["email"],
    "additionalProperties": false
  2. To configure the SMS or email gateway, please head over to Sending emails & SMS


To be able to send codes via SMS, you need to provide a custom SMS sender. Ory simply sends the code, the phone number and other metadata to a webhook of your choice. Please read the SMS documentation.

To start a new MFA flow, for an already existing session, create a new login flow with the aal parameter set to aal2:
