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Eventual consistency

Ory Network is a global, planet-spanning system with data distributed across numerous continents. To enhance query performance, Ory's APIs offer robust consistency controls. This article will delve into the consistency levels provided by Ory's APIs and how they can be utilized to balance data freshness and latency.

Consistency Levels

Ory Network offers two distinct consistency levels: strong and eventual.

Strong Consistency (slow)

Definition: The strong consistency level ensures that you receive the freshest data available.


  • Data Freshness: Full consistency guarantees that you receive the latest updates to the data.
  • Latency: However, this level introduces higher latency to your queries, as the system takes the necessary steps to synchronize and deliver the most recent information.
  • Use Cases: Use strong consistency when access to the most up-to-date data is critical, even if it means longer response times.

Eventual Consistency (fast)

Definition: The eventual consistency level delivers data as fast as possible, typically within 4.8 seconds.


  • Data Freshness: While eventual consistency offers faster query response times, the data can be stale, meaning it does not reflect the latest updates.
  • Latency: This level minimizes latency, enabling rapid access to data.
  • Use Cases: Choose eventual consistency when immediate data access is crucial, and you can tolerate data that is not current.

Default Consistency

The default consistency guarantee can be changed using the Ory CLI with:

ory patch project --replace '/previews/default_read_consistency_level="eventual"'

The default is strong.

Identity List API Support

The Identity List API in Ory Network supports consistency controls. This means you can choose the consistency level when using the Identity List API.
